
Video Archive
The CSRS Video Archive is a repository of lectures, debates and symposia presented at an Annual Meeting, Instructional Course Lecture, and Hands-On Surgical Techniques Course, from 2020 forward.

Patient Education
At CSRS, our goal is to provide our members and the spine community with useful resources to help improve patient education. In addition, we want to provide patients with the information they need to understand their care and treatment.

No Strike Outs in Anterior Cervical Surgery Airway Management
Dr. Rick Sasso provides a rational step-by-step algorithm to assess and treat the rare but potentially catastrophic postoperative complication of retropharyngeal hematoma.

Traveling Fellowship Program
The goal of the fellowship is to expose young spine surgeons under the age of 45 residing in either North or South America to other institutions and individuals with an expertise in the cervical spine to broaden their experience and foster their academic career.