Membership Types
Active Member | Candidate Member | Senior Member | Allied Member
Active Members
Active Members shall consist of those individuals who fulfill the following requirements:
(1) If the candidate is in the clinical practice of medicine, such candidate shall be Board-certified in one or more fields pertaining to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, disorders, injuries, abnormalities and other conditions of the cervical spine or the spinal cord (the “cervical spine field”); otherwise the candidate must have an advanced degree related to the cervical spine field.
(2) Two letters of recommendation, all of which must be Active Members of the Cervical Spine Research Society.
(3) Attendance of at least one CSRS Annual Meeting prior to consideration of your application.
(4) Author or co-author on a paper or poster presented at CSRS Annual Meeting prior to consideration of your application.
(5) If paper and/or posters were submitted, but not presented, the membership committee can consider membership based on if the candidate has a significant body of work in cervical spine surgery, including peer-reviewed literature in cervical spine specific journals.
(6) Applicant must be in good standing with state/international medical board.
If the Active Member candidate lives outside of North America and is ineligible for board certification, they must fulfill the following requirements:
(1) Authored at least one paper as podium or poster at CSRS in the last four years
(2) At least one publication related to the cervical spine as the first author or a co-author in an international journal written in English and indexed in PubMed
(3) Three letters of recommendation all of which must be active members of the Cervical Spine Research Society.
(4) Been in practice a minimum of three years with a practice focused on spine surgery. (Applicant must submit a letter from Chief of their department/or division stating that their practice is primarily spine based, and they are in good standing based on their departmental guidelines.)
Candidate Members applying for Active Member status shall consist of those individuals who fulfill the following requirements:
(1) If the candidate is in the clinical practice of medicine, such candidate shall be Board-certified in one or more fields pertaining to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, disorders, injuries, abnormalities and other conditions of the cervical spine or the spinal cord (the “cervical spine field”); otherwise, the candidate must have an advanced degree related to the cervical spine field.
(2) One letter of recommendation from an Active Member that has not written the candidate a letter for CSRS membership previously.
(3) Attendance of at least one CSRS Annual Meeting prior to consideration of your application.
(4) Author or co-author on a paper or poster presented at CSRS Annual Meeting prior to consideration of your application.
(5) If paper and/or poster were submitted, but not presented, the membership committee can consider membership based on if the candidate has a significant body of work in cervical spine surgery, including peer-reviewed literature in cervical spine specific journals.
(6) Must be in good standing with state medical board/international medical board.
Each active member is also required to demonstrate active participation in the affairs of the Society by completing one or more of the following at least once every three years:
(1) Submit a Scientific Paper for presentation at a scientific seminar; serve on a committee; present at an Instructional Course; serve as moderator or presenter at a scientific seminar of the Society.
(2) Participate in Society research and data collection studies, as directed.
(3) Attend a Society Annual Meeting.
Dues: $1050 per calendar year. (The annual meeting registration fee is included in this amount.)
Candidate members who are NOT residents and fellows in 2025 will be responsible for $250 dues to be paid by December 31, 2024.
Current Dues Amount fro Active Members: $1050
Current Dues Deadline* for 2025 Calendar Year: 12/31/2024
*Late fee of $100** will be charged to any Active Member who has not paid 2025 dues by 4/1/2025.
**Late fee is subject to change depending on country of origin.
Candidate Members
Candidate Membership is open to individuals who are either in training or post-undergraduate educational programs for either Board certification or an advanced degree in the cervical spine field. Applicants should be within seven (7) years of expected completion of their training program; and are Board eligible and are in the process of Board certification. Candidates must submit one letter of recommendation from an Active Member to be considered for membership. Candidate Members shall be required to attend a CSRS Annual Meeting after three (3) years of membership in this class. Upon completion of Board Certification, Candidate Members have two years to complete requirements for active membership and apply for active membership. Candidate Members shall not have the right to vote or to hold office or serve as directors of the Society.
Senior Members
Senior Membership is open to individuals who, while Active Members, formally retire from the active practice of medicine or research in the cervical spine field and are conferred such status by the Board of Directors after making application to the Society therefore. Senior Members each have the right to vote on all matters with respect to which the members of the Society are entitled to vote, but they shall not have the right to hold office or serve as directors of the Society. Senior Members shall not be required to fulfill the requirements set forth in Sub. (a), above, for Active Member status.
Allied Members
Allied Membership is open to individuals who are members in good standing of a Cervical Spine Research Society Allied Organization (Cervical Spine Research Society - European Division or Cervical Spine Research Society - Asia Pacific). Allied Members shall have the right to attend any meetings or activities that a member of the Society may attend; however, Allied Members shall not have the right to vote or to hold office or serve as directors of the Society.