CSRS Video Archive

     The CSRS Video Archive is a repository of lectures, debates and symposia presented at an Annual Meeting, Instructional Course Lecture, and Hands-On Surgical Techniques Course, from 2020 forward. The videos can be searched in a variety of ways, such as by words in the title, keywords, speaker, and year of presentation. This archive will function, in essence, as a video textbook of cervical spine surgery, but - unlike a traditional textbook - one that is continually updated and expanded from CSRS, the most authoritative organization on cervical spine research and education.
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2021 Annual Meeting

CSRS 2021 Presidential Address

John M.Rhee, MD | 31:58 | 2021
Dr. Rhee presents his 2021 CSRS Presidential Address.

Cervical Disc Replacement for Radiculopathy versus Myeloradiculopathy. An MCID Analysis.

Ram K.Alluri, MD | 5:16 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
Dr. Alluri presents an MCID analysis of cervical disc replacement in patients with radiculopathy versus myeloradiculopathy.

Cervical Laminectomy with Instrumented Fusion is Associated with a Higher Incidence of Postoperative C5 Palsy Compared to Cervical Laminoplasty with Reconstruction: Single Surgeon and National Inpatient

Jinseong Kim, BS | 4:53 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
C5 Palsy was found to be more common after laminectomy with fusion than laminoplasty with reconstruction in single-surgeon cohort. Similar analysis...

Cervical Total Disc Replacement: Available Implant Size Matters

Richard D.Guyer, MD | 4:38 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
Dr. Guyer presents a study that takes the measurement data from the single level and 2 level Simplify CTDR IDE trials to determine the size of disc...

Comparative Effectiveness of Surgical Approaches for Cervical Myelopathy: Quality of Life Assessments from the CSM-S trial

Zoher Ghogawala, MD, FACS | 4:55 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
Dr. Ghogawala presents a summary of results from CSM-S trial with 4 years of follow-up. Laminoplasty appears to be associated with superior outcomes.

Comparison of Clinical Guidelines for Reimbursement for Intra-Operative Neuromonitoring During Spine Surgery in the United States

Daniel Berman, MD | 4:56 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
Dr. Berman analyzes insurance company policies regarding reimbursement for intra-operative neuromonitoring in the United States. The companies are...

Discharge to Rehabilitation Predicts Greater Morbidity in Patients Undergoing Posterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion

Austen D.Katz, MD | 5:14 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
The NSQIP database was utilized to evaluate the relationship between discharge disposition and readmission, reoperation, and morbidity in patients...

Do Inflammatory Cytokines Affect Patient Outcomes after ACDF?

Brian A.Karamian, MD | 4:00 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
Emerging research has explored the relationship between inflammatory markers and patient outcomes after orthopaedic surgery. Our study investigates...

Simulated Bundled Payments for Four Common Surgical Approaches to Treat Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Consideration to Break the Clinical Equipoise

Nikhil Jain, MD | 5:47 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. I
Comparison of 90-day bundled payment amounts among four common surgical procedures to manage cervical myelopathy. A consideration to facilitate...

No Difference in Reoperation Rates in Posterior Cervical Fusions Stopping at C7 versus T1/T2 for Nonunion (Operative Nonunions): A cohort of 875 Patients - Part 2

Jacob H.Fennessy, MD | 5:22 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. II
The Kaiser Permanante Spine Surgery Registry encompasses data from surgical outcomes from EHR of over 12 million members utilizing dozens of spine...

Racial Disparities in Patients Undergoing Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: A Multi-Site Study

Comron Saifi, MD | 5:08 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. II
The present study hypothesized that African American/Black patients were more likely to experience longer length of stay following ACDF, given this...

Surgical Treatment of Single level Cervical Radiculopathy: A Comparison of Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion (ACDF) vs. Cervical Disc Arthroplasty (CDA) vs. Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy

Kedar Padhye, MD | 4:35 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. II
A single-center multi-surgeon retrospective review of treatment for cervical radiculopathy for 2009 to 2016 comparing various surgical treatment...

The Predictive Factors for the Aggravation of Cervical Alignment after Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy

Hyung Lee, MD | 4:40 | 2021
Abstracts - Top Reviewed Sweet Sixteen Pt. II
Preexisting hypo-lordosis of cervical angle less than 10 degree was not a contraindication of postoperative cervical kyphotic change after posterior...

Congenital Cervical Deformity

Feifei Zhou, MD | 10:25 | 2021
CSRS Asia Pacific - Cervical Deformity, Uncommon but Challenging Cases
Dr. Zhou presents on the classification, clinical manifestation, and surgical treatment of congenital cervical deformity.

Neuromuscular Deformity

Kyung-Soo Suk, MD | 9:56 | 2021
CSRS Asia Pacific - Cervical Deformity, Uncommon but Challenging Cases
Dr. Suk performs on cervical deformity associated neuromuscular disease (cerebral palsy, parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury...)Athetoid CP and...

Therapeutic Strategy for Dropped Head Syndrome from Perspective of Whole Spinal Alignment

Hiroshi Miyamoto, MD | 8:17 | 2021
CSRS Asia Pacific - Cervical Deformity, Uncommon but Challenging Cases
Surgical strategy for dropped head syndrome should be decided due to flexibility, neural symptoms, decompensation and compensation of other regions...

Recurrence of Cervical Deformity in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Luis Carelli, MD | 6:35 | 2021
CSRS Europe - A Great Case Due to the Right Decision
Dr. Carelli presents on the recurrence of cervical deformity in ankylosing spondylitis.

Ventral Cervical Myelomeningocele

Jorg Klekamp, MD | 6:56 | 2021
CSRS Europe - A Great Case Due to the Right Decision
Dr. Klekamp presents on the relocation of the ventrally herniated cord into the dural sac from a posterior approach.

Choice of LIV and When to Cross the CT Junction

Lee A.Tan, MD | 10:44 | 2021
Deformity Consideration for the Everyday Cervical Degenerative Conditions
Dr. Tan presents on the choice of LIV and when to cross the CT junction.

Choice of UIV

Stuart H.Hershman, MD | 11:01 | 2021
Deformity Consideration for the Everyday Cervical Degenerative Conditions
Choosing the UIV can sometimes be confusing when treating degenerative conditions of the cervical spine. Dr. Hershman discusses some of the key...

How to Prevent Latrogneic Deformity

James S.Harrop, MD, FAANS | 10:13 | 2021
Deformity Consideration for the Everyday Cervical Degenerative Conditions
Dr. Harrop presents on how to prevent Iatrogenic deformity.

Patient with Myelopathy/Radiculopathy Doesn’t Have Perfect Alignment - Do They Need a Cervical Deformity Correction?

John M.Rhee, MD | 9:59 | 2021
Deformity Consideration for the Everyday Cervical Degenerative Conditions
Not all patients with imperfect cervical sagittal alignment need major corrective surgery. Dr. Rhee discusses when it is appropriate to treat just...

How Did COVID-19 Change the Practice of Cervical Spine Surgery?

Yoon Ha, MD, PhD | 4:56 | 2021
Digital Transformation During the Pandemic
Dr. Ha presented on the present day practice in cervical spine surgery affected by COVID-19. Also, digital IT provides information efficiently on...

Is Telemedicine Here to Stay? No, It's Worthless

Andrew C.Hecht, MD | 5:22 | 2021
Digital Transformation During the Pandemic
Dr. Hecht presents the limitations and challenges facing the widespread adaptation of telemedicine for spine surgeons.

Case Presentation

Darrel S.Brodke, MD | 2:03 | 2021
Master Debate Series Pt. I
Dr. Brodke presents a case presentation on cervical disc disease with myelopathy.

Debate: 2-Level CDD with Myelopathy: CDR vs Fusion

Sanford Emery, MD, MBA | 11:43 | 2021
Master Debate Series Pt. I
Dr. Emery reviews the data and debate the current controversy of fusion vs disc arthroplasty for two level cervical myelopathy.

Cervical Facet Fracture: I Fix Them

Erica F.Bisson, MD, MPH | 7:55 | 2021
Master Debate Series Pt. II
Dr. Bisson provides an overview of the literature supporting operative intervention for unilateral cervical facet fractures.

Clinical Trials: Organization and Getting the Message out to the Right People

Michael G. Fehlings, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS | 9:10 | 2021
Pearls of Wisdom for a Successful Research Study
Dr. Fehlings summarizes key aspects of how to organize clinical trials and to effectively deliver key messages around the trial.

Lessons Learned from Past and Current CSRS-Funded Studies - C12 Fusion vs. Bracing

Christopher K.Kepler, MD, MBA | 8:42 | 2021
Pearls of Wisdom for a Successful Research Study
Dr. Kepler provides insight for physician-researchers into obstacles faced completing a study which was awarded a research grant.

Lessons Learned from Past and Current CSRS-Funded Studies - Steroids for Dysphagia

Sanford Emery, MD, MBA | 4:25 | 2021
Pearls of Wisdom for a Successful Research Study
Dr. Emery provides tips for a survey (questionnaire) type research study, and the importance of perseverance.

2021 Instructional Course

Importance of Global Alignment: Which Measurements are Key

Jason W.Savage, MD | 8:22 | 2021
Basic Principles of Cervical Deformity, Pearls and Pitfalls
Dr. Savage reviews the importance of understanding global alignment parameters in cervical deformity.

Managing Subaxial Cervical Kyphosis: Anterior Osteotomies with A/P Approach is Best

K. Daniel Riew, MD | 7:56 | 2021
Basic Principles of Cervical Deformity, Pearls and Pitfalls
Dr. Riew discusses how to perform an anterior osteotomy to correct deformities of the cervical spine.

Managing Subaxial Cervical Kyphosis: Posterior Only Osteotomies are Best; Why Go in the Front at All?

Darrel S. Brodke, MD | 8:13 | 2021
Basic Principles of Cervical Deformity, Pearls and Pitfalls
Dr. Brodke presents the surgical technique, benefits and risks of doing a posterior cervical osteotomy to manage cervical kyphotic deformity.

Hemodynamic Management of Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Patients: What Should We be Targeting?

Brian K.Kwon, MD, PhD, FRCSC | 10:25 | 2021
Cervical Trauma Pt. I
Dr. Kwon reviews the evidence behind the current guidelines which recommends maintaining MAP at 85-90 mmHg and provides a perspective on how to...

Management of The Octa- Or Nonagenarian in Nursing Home with Odontoid Fracture. What are my Treatment Considerations?

Chris Kepler, MD | 10:08 | 2021
Cervical Trauma Pt. I
Dr. Kepler reviews evidence based evaluation of the risk/benefit of surgical intervention in elderly patients with type II odontoid fractures.

Role and Timing of Surgery in Acute Central Cord Syndrome Patient with a Stable Spine

Alpesh A.Patel, MD, MBA FACS | 10:23 | 2021
Cervical Trauma Pt. I
Acute central cord syndrome is a spectrum of clinical presentations most commonly after trauma. Nonsurgical management may be an option for a subset...

Perioperative Optimization of Cervical Deformity Patient

Michael P.Steinmetz, MD | 9:31 | 2021
Deformity for 'Bread & Butter' Cervical Spine Surgeons
Dr. Steinmetz presents a guide to help optimize cervical deformity patient.

When is my Degenerative Case Really a Deformity? What Parameters Should I be Aware Of?

Themistocles S.Protopsaltis, MD | 10:44 | 2021
Deformity for 'Bread & Butter' Cervical Spine Surgeons
Dr. Protopsaltis describes the understanding which degenerative cervical surgeries can result in cervical deformity.

DEBATE - Mildly Symptomatic Myelopathy: Operate

Jason W.Savage, MD | 7:52 | 2021
Degenerative Pt. I
Dr. Savage argues for operative treatment for patients with mildly symptomatic cervical myelopathy.

DEBATE - Mildly Symptomatic Myelopathy: Wait and Watch

Samuel K.Cho, MD | 7:53 | 2021
Degenerative Pt. I
Dr. Cho argues non-surgical management should be offered to mildly symptomatic myelopathy patients.

Master Class Video: Posterior Endoscopic Techniques for Cervical Radiculopathy

Sang Hun Lee, MD | 7:24 | 2021
Degenerative Pt. I
Dr. Lee presents surgical technique, literature review of endoscopic cervical foraminotomy and discectomy

Posterior Foraminotomy

Thomas E.Mroz, MD | 8:04 | 2021
Degenerative Pt. I
Dr. Mroz presents posterior cervical foraminotomy and discectomy: Techniques and pearls.

Surgical Decision Making for Single Root Radiculopathy in the Setting of Multilevel Spondylosis: Choosing levels, Approaches, and Techniques

John M.Rhee, MD | 12:09 | 2021
Degenerative Pt. I
Atypical presentations of cervical radiculopathy are common, and diagnosis is especially difficult in the setting of multilevel spondylosis. Here we...

DEBATE - Multi-Level Cervical Myelopathy: Laminectomy and Fusion is the Preferred Approach

Steven Ludwig, MD | 9:03 | 2021
Degenerative Pt. II
The treatment of multilevel cervical spondylotic myelopathy is debatable. Dr. Ludwig discusses the pros of the cervical laminectomy and fusion as a...

DEBATE - Multi-level Cervical Myelopathy: Laminoplasty is the Preferred Approach.

Zoher Ghogawala, MD, FACS | 8:00 | 2021
Degenerative Pt. II
Dr. Ghogawala shares results from CSM-S trial. Laminoplasty associated with superior outcomes and less health-resource utilization.

Infection: Post-Surgical Infection of the Cervical Spine, Update and New Technologies

Peter G.Passias, MD | 11:41 | 2021
Tumor and Infection Pt. I
Dr. Passias discusses the of risks, pathology, and diagnostic and treatment modalities of post-surgical infection of the cervical spine.

Infection: Update on The Primary Cervical Infection (Discitis, Epidural Infection), Surgical Options (Fixation, Graft Material), Perioperative Management

Jesse E.Bible, MD | 9:00 | 2021
Tumor and Infection Pt. I
Dr. Bible presents how to drain/decompress pus and stabilize the spine.

Tumor: Prognostication, Surgery (Or Not) for Advanced Cervical Metastasis

Langston T.Holly, MD, FAANS | 8:26 | 2021
Tumor and Infection Pt. I
Dr. Holly reviews the clinical and radiographical considerations for assessing treatment strategies in the management of metastatic spine disease.

Tumor: Radiation Treatment Update on Cervical Metastasis

Kristin Redmond, MD | 9:41 | 2021
Tumor and Infection Pt. I
Dr. Redmond reviews outcomes following stereotactic body radiation therapy for cervical spinal metastases including prognostic factors and toxicity.

Tumor: Surgical Options for Cervical Metastasis (Fusion or Not, Fixation Methods, Mis, Innovative Options Navigation, Robotics, etc.)

Jean-Paul Wolinsky, MD | 10:42 | 2021
Tumor and Infection Pt. I
Dr. Wolinsky provides an overview of how to approach treating patients with cervical metastatic disease. There are some features highlighted that are...

Management and Avoidance of Surgical Complications of Cervical Spine Surgery

Ziya L.Gokaslan, MD, FAANS, FACS | 12:33 | 2021
Tumor and Infection Pt. II
Dr. Gokaslan presents the management and avoidance of surgical complications of cervical spine surgery.

2021 Hands-On Surgical Techniques Course

Anterior Cervical Approach with Focus on C2-3 and C7-T1

Todd Albert, MD | 15:05 | 2021
Dr. Albert presents fundamental anatomy and surgical approach to upper and lower cervical Spine.

Anterior Cervical Fusion and Plating Techniques: Avoiding ALOD, Length of Screws, & Different Plate Types

John Rhee, MD | 17:12 | 2021
Dr. John Rhee reviews techniques for optimizing the performance of anterior cervical fusion and plating. He also cover different plate types and...

Anterior Cervical Nonunion: Avoidance, Treatment, & Long Term Results

Bradford Currier, MD | 23:03 | 2021
Dr. Bradford Currier presents an overiew of the evaluation, prevalence, natural history, and treatment of pseudarthrosis after single or multiple...

C1-2 Posterior Fusion: Lateral Mass Screws C1 and C2 Pedicle, Pars, & Translaminar Screws

Rick Sasso, MD | 17:05 | 2021
Dr. Rick Sasso describes surgical technique for posterior C1-2 instrumentation and fusion

C5 Palsy

Thomas Zdeblick, MD | 12:39 | 2021
Dr. Tom Zdeblick describes the incidence of post-operative C5 nerve palsy, and steps in prevention and management.

Cervical Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy (PSO) for Chin-on-Chest Kyphotic Deformity

Bradford Currier, MD | 19:00 | 2021
Dr. Currier provides a brief overview of cervical deformity evaluation and treatment with a focus on pedicle subtraction osteotomy for kyphosis.


Bruce Darden, II, MD | 18:50 | 2021
Dr. Bruce Darden II reviews of pertinent anatomy and the literature concerning dysphagia and dysphonia after anterior cervical surgery.

Emergent Airway Control after Anterior Cervical Procedures (Cricothyroidotomy)

Rick Sasso, MD | 19:48 | 2021
Dr. Rick Sasso presents a step-by-step algorithm for evaluation and treatment of acute airway compromise after anterior cervical procedures.

Geriatric Odontoid Fractures: When and How to Fix

Thomas Zdeblick, MD | 12:00 | 2021
Dr. Tom Zdeblick describes the incidence and management decisions involved with treating Odontoid fractures in the elderly. Describes non-surgical...

Hangman’s Fracture: A Guide to Surgical Indications and “How to Treat”

Paul Anderson, MD | 17:44 | 2021
Hangman's fracture also known as traumatic spondylolisthesis of the axis is defined as a fracture resulting in separation of the anterior and...


Christopher Shaffrey, MD | 24:24 | 2021
An overview of the indications, benefits, risks and alternatives to laminoplasty for management of cervical spondylotic myelopathy and ossification...

Occipital Fixation Including Condyle Screws

Vincent Traynelis, MD | 12:49 | 2021
Dr. Vince Traynelis reviews options for occipital fixation.

Posterior Cervical Laminoforaminotomy

Frank Eismont, MD | 15:59 | 2021
Dr. Frank Eismont discusses the indications, technique and risks and benefits of this procedure.

Subaxial Cervical Pedicle and Lateral Mass Screw Fixation

Paul Anderson, MD | 14:58 | 2021
Lateral mass screws are safe and effective but require a meticulous technique and preoperative planning. Pedicle screws at C3-6 should be reserved...

The Dislocated Subaxial C-Spine: Reduce First or MRI First?

Frank Eismont, MD | 17:38 | 2021
Dr. Frank Eismont describes the acute evaluation and treatment of patients with cervical facet dislocations. An emphasis is placed on the timing of...

Transoral Approaches to the Craniocervical Junction

Andrew Dailey, MD, FAANS | 18:37 | 2021
Dr. Andrew Dailey reviews the traditional transoral approach to the craniocervical junction as well as the evolving endoscopic methods.

Vertebral Artery Exposure and Control: Anterior Approach

Thomas Zdeblick, MD | 11:04 | 2021
Dr. Tom Zdeblick describes the causes of vertebral artery injury, steps to prevent, and steps to attempt control if it occurs

Vertebral Artery Exposure and Control: Posterior Occipitocervical Junction (C2-O)

Todd Albert, MD | 12:31 | 2021
Dr. Todd Albert presents fundamental anatomy and strategic approach to vertebral arteries at the occipitocervical junction.

2020 Annual Meeting

Step by Step Planning for Rigid Deformity Including 3co and Custom Rods

Chris Ames, MD | 12:29 | 2020
Big Data for Cervical Spine Management
Dr. Christopher Ames discusses the assessment, surgical planning strategies and 3-column osteotomy techniques for surgical correction of cervical...

Tumor: Presentation, Workup, and Initial Management of Tumors in the Cervical Spine

Daniel Sciubba, MD | 16:29 | 2020
Big Data for Cervical Spine Management
Dr. Daniel Sciubba discusses an approach to cervical spine tumors

Using Big Data for Cervical Spine Management: Machine Learning And Spine

Joseph Schwab, MD | 14:28 | 2020
Big Data for Cervical Spine Management
Dr. Joseph Schwab discusses aspects of predictive models as they pertain to cervical spine pathology.

Using Big Data for Cervical Spine Management: Prospective, Multi-Center Studies

Zoher Ghogawala, MD, FACS | 17:01 | 2020
Big Data for Cervical Spine Management
Dr. Zoher Ghogawala discusses prospective, multi-center studies and how they are helpful to build the evidence base for cervical spine surgery.

Using Big Data for Cervical Spine Management: Tumor Presentation, Workup, and Initial Management of Tumors

Daniel Sciubba, MD | 8:08 | 2020
Big Data for Cervical Spine Management
Dr. Daniel Sciubba discusses an approach to cervical spine tumors

BPCI/BPCI-A: A Private Practice Success Story

Paul Slosar, MD | 14:52 | 2020
Governmental Bundled Payments/Risk Based Care
Dr. Paul Slosar summarizes our success in the risk-based BPCI-A model by partnering with a company having experience in the value based health care...

Overview of CMS and Bundled Payment Program related to Spine Surgery: BPCI, BPCI-A

Vadim Goz, MD | 11:44 | 2020
Governmental Bundled Payments/Risk Based Care
Dr. Vadim Goz discusses the principles underlying the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) /Bundled Payments for Care Improvement - Advanced...

Return to Play: 2-Level ACDF, No

Robert Watkins III, MD | 5:00 | 2020
Governmental Bundled Payments/Risk Based Care
Dr. Robert Watkins discusses why he believes an athlete with pseudarthrosis after ACDF should not be allowed to return to play.

Rothman Experience- Why BPCI/BPCI-A Doesn't Work for Spine Surgery

Kartik Shenoy, MD | 14:23 | 2020
Governmental Bundled Payments/Risk Based Care
Dr. Kartik Shenoy discusses The Rothman Orthopedic Institute experience with CMS Bundled Payment for Care Improvement initiative.

Safety in an Outpatient Setting: Which Cases and Nuances

Sheeraz Qureshi, MD, MBA | 15:18 | 2020
Safety in Cervical Spine Surgery
Dr. Sheeraz Qureshi discusses current evidence on safety in doing cervical spine surgery on an ambulatory basis. It also provides guidance on how to...

Safety in Cervical Spine Surgery

Todd Albert, MD | 4:23 | 2020
Safety in Cervical Spine Surgery
Safety in cervical spine surgery is critically important. This symposium will touch on critical components of protecting our patients.

Safety In Cervical Spine Surgery: Prevention of Complications

Steven Ludwig, MD | 13:46 | 2020
Safety in Cervical Spine Surgery
Dr. Steven Ludwig reviews the potential complications and pitfalls of cervical spine surgery. Ludwig offers options to try to mitigate those...

Safety In Cervical Spine Surgery: Safety in Deformity and Myelopathy Surgery

Han Jo Kim, MD | 14:18 | 2020
Safety in Cervical Spine Surgery
Dr. Han Jo Kim reviews 5 take home points on tricks to enhance safety in Cervical Deformity and Myelopathy Surgery.

Return to Play: 1-Level Cervical Pseudarthrosis, No

Alpesh Patel, MD, MBA | 6:59 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine
Return to play after ACDF remains uncertain with many decisions made by treating physicians based on anecdotal experience rather than evidence. In...

Return to Play: 1-Level Cervical Pseudarthrosis, Yes

Alex Vaccaro, MD, PhD, MBA | 5:42 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine
Dr. Alexander Vaccaro discusses the risks and allowable circumstances in which a patient may return to contact sports after an incomplete anterior...

Return to Play: 2-Level ACDF, Yes

John Heller, MD | 6:32 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine
A decision regarding return to play in collision sports following a 2-level ACDF is complex. It must account for the safety of the patient/athlete,...

Return to Play: C1 Ring Anomaly, No

K. Daniel Riew, MD | 5:34 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine
Return to play after discovering a C1 ring anomaly.

Return to Play: C1 Ring Anomaly, Yes

Thomas Zdeblick, MD | 3:18 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine
Dr. Thomas Zdeblick discusses an incidental finding of an anterior defect within the ring of C1 in a professional athlete.

Return to Play: Congenital Cervical Stenosis, No

Andrew Hecht, MD | 7:52 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine
Debate on when can you return to play if you have congenital stenosis.

Return to Play: Congenital Cervical Stenosis, Yes

Wellington Hsu, MD | 11:02 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine

Why We Can't All Agree: Sports-Related Debates of the Cervical Spine: Introduction

Wellington Hsu, MD | 4:47 | 2020
Sports-Related Injuries and the Cervical Spine

Implant Technology: Advances in Material Properties, Surface and Structural Advances

Wellington Hsu, MD | 12:53 | 2020
Dr. Wellington Hsu discusses the biomechanical and properties of various commonly implanted biomaterials used to try and obtain fusion, emphasizing...

2020 Instructional Course

Avoiding Iatrogenic Cervical Deformities

Chris Shaffrey, MD | 10:54 | 2020
Cervical Degenerative
An overview on techniques to avoid the development of iatrogenic cervical deformity.

Cervical Degenerative – Avoiding Iatrogenic Cervical Deformities: CDA

K. Daniel Riew, MD | 6:14 | 2020
Cervical Degenerative
Dr. K. Daniel Riew discusses avoiding Iatrogenic cervical deformities with cervical disc arthroplasty.

Cervical Degenerative – Avoiding Iatrogenic Cervical Deformities: Laminoplasty

Jason Savage, MD | 8:54 | 2020
Cervical Degenerative
Dr. Jason Savage discusses how to avoid iatrogenic deformity after cervical laminoplasty.

Cervical Degenerative – Avoiding Iatrogenic Cervical Deformities: Posterior Cervical Discectomy

Steven Hughes, MD | 7:20 | 2020
Cervical Degenerative
Discussion of cervical laminectomy as an effective treatment.

Cervical Degenerative – Avoiding Iatrogenic Cervical Deformities: Posterior Fusion

Peter Passias, MD | 10:32 | 2020
Cervical Degenerative
An in-depth discussion of preoperative planning as well as radiographic, clinical, and functional outcomes in surgical correction of adult cervical...

Complications Associated with the use of BMP

Zoher Ghogawala, MD, FACS | 9:20 | 2020
Complications associated with the use of bone morphogenetic protein.

Complications: C5 Palsy

Bruce Darden, II, MD | 7:49 | 2020
Dr. Bruce Darden, II, discusses the causes and avoidance of C5 palsy in cervical surgery.

Complications: Esophageal Injury

Erica Bisson, MD, MPH | 8:20 | 2020
Dr. Erica Bission describes the incidence, impact, and treatment of both major and minor esophageal insults.

Complications: Post-Operative Hematoma

Carlo Santaguida, MD, FRCSC | 8:48 | 2020
Dr. Carlo Santaguida discusses an evidence based summary of the diagnosis and management of post-operative epidural hematoma.

Complications: Vertebral Artery Injury

Andrew Dailey, MD, FAANS | 14:52 | 2020
Dr. Andrew Dailey discusses not only how to avoid iatrogenic vertebral artery injury, but also how to manage injuries if we encounter them.

Central Cord Injury In Stable, Degenerative Spine: Case Presentation

Brian Kwon, MD, PhD, FRCSC | 2:32 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Dr. Brian Kwon discusses the pros and cons of early surgery for central cord injuries.

Central Cord Injury In Stable, Degenerative Spine: Discussion

Brian Kwon, MD, PhD, FRCSC | 3:17 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Dr. Brian Kwon discusses the pros and cons of early surgery for central cord injuries.

Central Cord Injury In Stable, Degenerative Spine: The Case for Delayed Surgery - 'Wait for the Cord To Cool Down'

James Harrop, MD, FAANS | 8:33 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Debate - the merits of waiting and evaluating patient fully prior to proceeding with a cervical decompression after a central cord injury.

Central Cord Injury In Stable, Degenerative Spine: The Case for Early Surgery

Jefferson Wilson, MD, PhD, FRCSC | 9:29 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Discusson of the evidence behind timing of surgery for central cord inuury

Geriatric Odontoid Fracture: Discussion and Master Technique Video

Gregory Schroeder, MD | 5:55 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Dr. Greg Schroeder demonstrates of how to place C1 and C2 screws.

Geriatric Odontoid Fracture: The Case for Non-Operative Management

Timothy Moore, MD | 8:03 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Dr. Timothy Moore provides evidence for non operative management of GOFs.

Geriatric Odontoid Fracture: The Case for Operative Management

John Rhee, MD | 6:53 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Dr. John Rhee discusses the rationale for why surgery is the best treatment option for elderly patients with odontoid fractures - assuming they are...

Steroids and Other Neuroprotective Measures In Acute Cervical SCI: Discussion and 2017 Aospine Guidelines

Brian Kwon, MD, PhD, FRCSC | 4:15 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Dr. Michael Fehling provides a perspective on steroids for acute SCI.

Steroids and Other Neuroprotective Measures In Acute Cervical SCI: The Case for Avoiding Steroids

Alpesh Patel, MD, MBA | 10:21 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Dr. Alpesh Patel provides the best available evidence strongly supports against the use of steroids in acute spinal cord injury: results are no...

Steroids and Other Neuroprotective Treatments for Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: The Case for Steroids

Michael Fehlings, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FACS | 6:33 | 2020
Spinal Cord and Column Injury
Methylprednisolone is a valid treatment option for acute spinal cord injury (SCI), particularly in subsets including those with cervical SCI. There...

Cervical Deformity Classification for Treatment Planning Including Cluster Analysis

Han Jo Kim, MD | 10:19 | 2020
Surgical Planning
A review of cervical deformity classification schemes and more modern classifications which help to advice on fusion level selection when planning...

Deformity and Trauma in the Cervical Spine

Carlo Bellabarba, MS | 13:24 | 2020
Surgical Planning
Dr. Carlo Bellabarba discusses various causes of post-traumatic cervical spine deformity as well as prevention and treatment strategies.

Predictive Analytics: We Cannot Tell The Future, But We Can Predict Better Than

Chris Ames, MD | 20:32 | 2020
Surgical Planning
Dr. Christopher Ames describes the role of predictive analytics in determining the risk of complications and the outcomes of patients undergoing...

Radiographic Assessment of Cervical Deformity - Update on Measurement

Justin Smith, MD, PhD | 13:25 | 2020
Surgical Planning
Dr. Justin Smith uses the International Spine Study Group (ISSG) classification to describe the various types of cervical spine deformity and their...

Surgical Planning: Level Selection and DJK

Themistocles Protopsaltis, MD | 13:43 | 2020
Surgical Planning
Dr. Themistocles Protopsaltis reviews the factors that are considered when selecting fusion levels in cervical deformity surgery. Mitigating the...

3D Printed Off-the-Shelf Implants: Titanium Alloy vs. Peek vs Silicon Nitride

Paul Anderson, MD | 9:47 | 2020
3D printing is a new technology that offers advantages to the design and manufacture of implants. However being a new technology 3D printing of...

Cell Based Allografts: The Science, Economics and Efficacy in Spine Surgery

Brandon Lawrence, MD | 11:02 | 2020
Dr. Brandon Lawrence discusses over view of cell based allografts, current studies and clinical use.

Cell Based Therapy - Stem Cells, Route Of Delivery, Survival in Harsh Microenvironment and the Outlook

Jeff Wang, MD | 11:42 | 2020
Dr. Jeffrey Wang discusses disc regenerative strategies using stem cells.

Growth Factor Therapy - BMPS, PRP: Current Studies/Trials & Outlook; Scaffolds For Nucleus and Annulus

Zorica Buser, PhD | 14:30 | 2020
Overview of different types of disc regenerative therapies and their current clinical evidence.

Update on ACDF Cage Materials and Costs

Ahmad Nassr, MD | 14:10 | 2020
Dr. Ahmad Nassr reviews costs associated with different materials available for inter body applications in anterior cervical decompression and fusion.

Dural Closure Techniques in the Cervical Spine - Methods, Sealants, and Drains

Kristen Radcliff, MD | 21:32 | 2020
Tumor and Infection
Dr. Kristen Radcliff reviews the latest literature on dural repair techniques.

Infection: Role of Intrasite Antibiotic Therapy- Pros And Cons

Ronald Lehman, MD | 9:44 | 2020
Tumor and Infection
Role of Intrasite Antibiotic Therapy- Pros And Cons.

Management of Cervical Epidural Abscess- Indications & Timing of Surgery, Medicolegal Considerations

Eric Nottmeier, MD | 10:24 | 2020
Tumor and Infection
To determine the treatment aspects and legal aspects in patients with cervical epidural abscess.

Management of Intramedullary Tumors in the Cervical Spine

Langston Holly, MD, FAANS | 13:01 | 2020
Tumor and Infection
Dr. Langston Holly highlights the surgical technique and strategies for complication avoidance during intramedullary spinal cord that or resection.

Management of Metastatic Tumors to the Cervical Spine - Current Guidelines

Jacob Buchowski, MD, MS | 10:15 | 2020
Tumor and Infection
With improved treatment and aging population, prevalence of metastatic spine disease is likely to increase over time. Appropriate management of...


Cervical Sagittal Plane Deformity: Decision Making and Surgical Techniques

John Rhee, MD | 21:58 | 2021
Dr. John Rhee discuss how to categorize cervical sagittal plane deformity into different types that will then help to guide the appropriate surgical...

No Strike Outs in Anterior Cervical Surgery Airway Management

Rick Sasso, MD | 11:11 | 2020
This video is for all nurses, anesthesiologists, and spine surgeons who care for cervical spine patients after anterior procedures. It is a rational...

The materials presented within the CSRS Video Archive are made available for educational purposes only. The materials are not intended to represent the only, nor necessarily best, methods or procedures appropriate for the medical situations discussed, but rather is intended to present an approach, view, statement or opinion of the faculty that may be helpful to others who face similar situations. No electronic devices of any kind may be used to record any portion of the CSRS Video Archive.


The Cervical Spine Research Society is a multidisciplinary organization of individuals interested in clinical and research problems of the cervical spine. Its purpose is to provide a forum for the exchange and development of ideas and philosophy regarding the diagnosis and treatment of cervical spine injury and disease. The organization values collegial interaction and strong scientific principles.


Cervical Spine Research Society
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202-3823 USA
Phone: (414) 918-9834
Fax: (414) 276-3349
Email: info@csrs.org


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