Hands-on Surgical Techniques Course
July 17 – 19, 2025
Indiana Spine Group, Medical Academic Center
Carmel, Indiana
The CSRS Hands-on Surgical Techniques Course promotes the society's mission of promoting the exchange of ideas by providing a forum for surgeons in training to hone their skills in the laboratory, engage in lively case discussions, and network with peers and world-renowned faculty. The primary audience of this course are senior level orthopedic (PGY4 and up) and neurosurgery (PGY5 and up) residents and fellows.
2025 Meeting Chairs: Rick Sasso & John Rhee
Learning Objectives
The course will cover the latest advances and techniques of the cervical spine including:
- Understand the intricate anatomy of the uncinate process, nerve roots, the vertebral artery, foramen and identify their relationship to each other.
- Discuss surgical indications and complication management for cervical spine procedures.
- Review and perform the following cervical spine procedures on cadaveric tissue:
- Laminotomy, foraminotomy, laminoplasty, laminectomy, and facetectomy from both anterior and posterior surgical approach
- Fusion techniques including: occipital-cervical constructs, C1-2 fixation, subaxial screw and rod constructs
- Anterior decompression techniques including: disectomy, foraminotomy, corpectomy
- Anterior fusion techniques including: interbody and corpectomy grafting, as well as subaxial plate, odontoid fixation and cages
- Transoral approach to dens resection
Course Highlights